Try to remove all cards by combining 2 cards to a total value of 13. A king is 13 points and can be removed on its own, a queen is 12 points, a jack is 11 points and an ace is 1 point.
Unique daily puzzle game: 1 to 25. Drag the number on the grid and form an continuous line from 1 to 25. The positions on the side indicate the row, column or diagona you should place that number.
Help the Pirate in this Klondike game. Move all cards to the top 4 foundations. On the tableau built down in alternating color. Click on the top left stack to get a new open card.
Very difficult Spider Solitaire game. Try to build on the tableau a group of cards from Ace to King and in suit. You can place cards in descending order but only move groups that are in suit.